Monday, April 11, 2011

Are You Brave Enough

Are you brave enough to follow your heart into the dark
when everything else falls apart
and your left with a broken heart?
Are you brave to stand before me and see me as your man
a man who understands not everything goes according to plan
even when everything fails, you can still hold my hand?
Are you brave enough to believe that love conquers everything
through its distances and tribulation we can we still sing
those same songs we first sang when we were just a fling?
Are you brave enough to trust me even if I have a past
and despite yours somehow can we still manage to grasp
that we are different now and whats left there are in the past?
Are you brave to admit that I'm not perfect and neither are you
that we are both just human and are trying to make it work
Are you brave enough to love me through the hurt???


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